Here for the first time is a compilation in one volume of Blavatsky's perspective, both controversial and of stimulating value, for all interested in the Buddhist and Theosophic world view. During the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Blavatsky influenced prominent Buddhists of all kinds: from late nineteenth century Singhalese Buddhists to the sixth Panchen Lama. Throughout this century, Blavatsky's Theosophic exposition of Buddhist thought has gained influence and respectRelease Date:June 1991
Publisher:Point Loma Publications, Incorporated
Length:335 Pages
1- The Divine Buddhas (1-36)
The Dhyani-Buddhas
2- The former Buddhas (27-25)
3- The Life of Gautama (36-73)
4- The History of Buddhism (74-102)
5-The History of Lamaism (103-134)
Tsong Kha-Pa
The Grand Lamas
7-The Scriptures (135-150)
8-The Teachings of Buddhism (151-200)
The Paths of the Arhats
Buddhsim and Esoteric Buddhism
15 page Bibliography, 120pp. index
This is a remarkable book, especially in terms of research and erudition. It is the only study of Blavatsky's writings that I know of that consistently researches the extensive references in her writings. Remarkably, the author even takes it a step further and provides additional references that have been published since Blavatsky's time in order to corroborate, elaborate, or clarify Blavatsky's text. This painstaking, detailed work should help to establish two major points - any misguided notions of plagiarism on Blavatsky's part are largely dispelled because it becomes evident that Blavatsky makes extensive and coherent (and very critical) use of references. The second point is that it should dispel any notion that Blavatsky's writings were some strange mystical outpourings devoid of any careful research and methodical organization, because time after time, whether you agree with her theories or not, one is impressed by a level of discourse that demonstrates a deep familiarity with the source material. It is worth noting that Blavatsky made regular use of a relatively small, but quite substantial group of reference works, the main ones being:
Say what you will of Blavatsky, this work demonstrates that one has to take her research seriously, one cannot deny her writings are not the result of careful, serious research. That is not to say that she is perfect, nor was she working with academic methodology; therefore Spierenberg is honest and points out various errors, curious interpretations, baffling explanations, often helping Blavatsky's arguments by adding corrections and clarifications. These cases amount to roughly five percent of the references in my estimation. This however is not an easy work. The more erudite parts of Blavatsky's writings are notoriously difficult and the extracts provided are often too short to be intelligible on their own; one has to be familiar with the original text to fully understand the meaning.
Moreover, Blavatsky's texts are often part of a comparative, perennialist perspective and so compiling them into a specialist context, separated from a broader argument, increases the fragmentary nature of this work. The author does a good job at assembling disparate passages on Buddhism scattered throughout her writings into a cohesive grouping of topics. At the same time, the incomplete nature of many of these topics serves to indicate the somewhat artificial nature of the assemblage. And it is to be noted that this is not a complete recension of all of Blavatsky's writings on Buddhism, but rather only those references that fit within the topical framework (presumable designed to be a basic exposition of Buddhist history and doctrine). As such one does not necessarily get a good presentation of the distinct esoteric interpretation of Buddhism that one would from a more conventional essay format on the subject.
Two of the more successful sections are the ones on Mahayana scriptures (135-150) which gives research on the relation between the Tibetan Kanjur and Tanjur scripture collections and Blavatsky's enigmatic books of Kiu-te and stanzas of Dzyan. Also the section on the Trikaya (1750187) and especially the Nirmakaya gives a good overview of the distinctive aspects of Blavatsky's Buddhist commentaries. With these points in mind, as a reference work for advanced students and academics, this is still a highly valuable work, if one keeps in mind that it presupposes a familiarity of Blavatsky's basic writings on Buddhism (and good general knowledge of Buddhism certainly wouldn't hurt) which can be found in the posthumous third volume of the Secret Doctrine (volume 14 of her collected writings, ''The mystery of the Buddha'' section), Isis Unveiled v. 2, chapter 11 and certain key entries of the Theosophical Glossary, notably the entries for Trikaya,
Triratna and Trisharana.