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Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Recent Blavatsky Books - Reincarnation in America: An Esoteric History - Lee Irwin etc...

Reincarnation in America: An Esoteric History - Lee Irwin
2017 - Lexington books – Chapter 9 deals with Theosophy

The Assimilation of Yogic Religions through Pop Culture – Paul G. Hackett –ed.
2017 - Lexington books
2. Supermen, Mystical Women, and Oriental Others: Dynamics of Race and Gender in Pop Cultural Yogis and the Universal Superhuman
Anya P. Foxen
4. "I’ll See You Again in Twenty-Five Years:" Tibetan Buddhism in David Lynch’s Twin Peaks and American Pop Culture in the 90s
Adam C. Krug

Satanic Feminism: Lucifer as the Liberator of Woman in Nineteenth-Century Per Faxneld
Oxford University Press – 2017 - Chapter 4 deals with Theosophy
Spiritual Despots: Modern Hinduism and the Genealogies of Self-Rule - J. Barton Scott
University of Chicago Press - 2016 - Chapter 6 deals with Theosophy

Masculine Identity in Modernist Literature - Castration, Narration, and a Sense of the Beginning, 1919-1945 - Allan Johnson
Palgrave Macmillan 2017 – Chapter 1 deals with Jessie Weston’s From Ritual to Romance

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Blavatsky and Modern Occultism

And now for something completely different - This analyses Crowley’s commentary on the Voice of the Silence (among lots of other things… not as bad as the title suggests, I think, or maybe I had too much coffee)
Secrets of the Sex Magic Space Lamas Revealed! Tibetan Buddhist Aliens and Religious Syncretism
October 23, 2015 - Joffre
We know that Crowley regarded Blavatsky not merely as a fraud but as someone with real spiritual realization, so such analogies are about more than just debunking a skilled con-woman. Crowley here implies that historical cultural traditions are a means to an end, a strategic springboard for capturing and articulating a higher more transcendent Gnosis or Truth.

Katy Perry will mess your mind, and it's all Blavatsky's fault, Miley Cyrus will wreck your mind like a wrecking ball (and it’s all Aleister Crowley’s fault)
Katy Perry SNL Performance Proves Crowley’s Eastern Mysticism has Invaded
By Emily -05/22/2017
The very founder of the new age movement created "the perfect blend of Hinduism and Buddhism." This is vital evidence in proving that the mixture of beliefs and practices we see in people like Katy Perry’s life aren’t incidental, they are following mystic leaders such as Blavatsky.

How St-Germain became a rock star… because of Blavatsky
The Immortal Ones
Posted on February 9, 2017 by Earth Energy Reader
The spiritual stories about him as an immortal didn’t really take off until Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical movement got a hold of it. Between 1880 and 1900 it was admitted among all theosophists, that the Comte de Saint-Germain was still alive, that he was still engaged in the spiritual development of the West, and that those who sincerely took part in this development had the possibility of meeting him.

Sports section: The second biggest boxing match of all time inspired by Blavatsky:
The Secret That Led Conor McGregor to Fame, Fortune and Floyd Mayweather
Jeremy Botter MMA August 25, 2017 The first instance of the "law of attraction" phrase appearing in print came in 1877's Isis Unveiled, a dense two-volume book by Russian occultist and theosophist Helena Blavatsky:

Not terribly accurate, but a positive appreciation:
No Religion Higher Than Truth; or, Why Theosophy Matters
June 30, 2017 by Philip Jenkins

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Blavatsky & Annie Besant

Annie Besant: Theosophist who inspired Indian nationalism
And this year, as we celebrate the 70th anniversary of Indian Independence, it will be special for another reason too. It brings home memories of the confluence of another centenary of the first Woman President the Indian National Congress saw in Mrs Annie Besant in 1917.
70 Years of Independence: Remembering Annie Besant, a 'Diamond Soul'
A Diamond Soul' who played a crucial role in shaping independent India, Annie Besant was a famous Theosophist, orator, author as well as the supporter of the Irish and Indian self-rule.
Take a walk to reconnect with reformers who changed Mumbai's social landscape
Apr 18, 2017 - Krutika Behrawala
Fondekar says, "We will cover roughly 15 spots, including Blavatsky Lodge that is associated with social activist Dr Annie Besant, along with certain roads named after social reformers." Post its debut this week, the walking experience will be held every Sunday at 8 am.
She’s number one, but only because it’s in alphabetical order:
10 Important Women in Goddess Spirituality
May 21, 2014 by Jason Mankey
Besant is best known as the President of the Theosophical Society, one of the most influential groups ever in the history of the occult and the New Age movements.
English version of Besant biography
Muriel Pécastaing-Boissière – Annie Besant Struggles and Quest

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Blavatsky Biographical

I forgot to include this in my Lachman post, nice article:
Who was Madame Blavatsky?
Gary Lachman - Friday 13th, March 2015
Colin Wilson once remarked about Rasputin, Blavatsky’s countryman, that he seemed “to possess the peculiar quality of inducing shameless inaccuracy in everyone who writes about him.” The same could be said for Madame Blavatsky.
New World Encyclopedia entry (they publish cleaned-up wikipedia articles), not bad, fairly balanced:
Helena Blavatsky
Helena Petrovna Hahn (also Hélène) (July 31, 1831 (O.S.) (August 12, 1831 (N.S.)) - May 8, 1891 London), better known as Helena Blavatsky (Russian: Елена Блаватская) or Madame Blavatsky, born Helena von Hahn, was a founder of the Theosophical Society. Although her role as a medium would prove controversial and the Theosophical Society would split following her death, her writing represents a significant contribution to the development of reformist and universal tendencies within Indian thought. Mahatma Gandhi wrote that her Key to Theosophy was one of the texts that stimulated him to ‘read books on Hinduism’ and ‘disabused [him] of the notion fostered by the missionaries that Hinduism was rife with superstition.’ [1] Perhaps the fact that Blavatsky was not in any way affiliated with the imperial project in India freed her of the obligation to value everything European at the cost of everything Indian.

Nice bio post:

H. P. Blavatsky: Her Extraordinary Life and Influence

May 5, 2017 - Theosophy Watch |
“The portrayal of Blavatsky is neutral, though more sympathetic than works of this kind. The index contains 16 references to her. What Horowitz manages to do, and successfully so, is to show the contribution to the inner life of America by these often disparate figures who were united in their vision of a world made better by better people.”

Well-intentioned, but less than accurate posts: Helena P. Blavatsky - 

The Mysterious Madame Blavatsky – Psychic or Charlatan?
Paul Andrews  July 23, 2017

The Astral Visions of Madame Blavatsky
April 22, 2017 - Sara Marie Hogg

Someone made an audio version of the Secret Doctrine – wow: